Solutions  MCQs

MCQs of Solutions

Showing 151 to 157 out of 157 Questions
What is the % v/v of a 5 litre petrol solution containing 750 ml kerosene ?
(a) 25
(b) 20
(c) 10
(d) 15

Option (d)

When 20 g naphthoic acid (C11H8O2) is dissolved in 50 g of benzene (Kf = 1.72 Km-1), freezing point depression of 2 K is observed. The Van't Hoff factor is _____ .
(a) 0.5
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

Option (a)

3 × 10-3 kg acetic acid is added to 500 cm3 of water. If 235 of acetic acid is dissociated, what will be the depression in freezing point? Kf and density of water are 1.86 K Kg mol-1 and 0.997 g cm-3 respectively.
(a) 0.199
(b) 0.129
(c) 0.229
(d) 0.209

Option (c)

Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true (T) or false(F) :

(1) 2 g L-1 urea solution and 2 g L-1 glucose solution are separated by semipermeable membrane are isotonic at a given temperature.

(2) If 0.01 M KCl and 0.001 M NaCl solutions are separated by a semipermeable membrane, KCl solution is said to be hypotonic.

(3) The relative decrease in vapour pressure, when 1 mole of glucose is dissolved in 3 mole H2O is 0.25.

(4) 100 g of sugar will be required to prepare 5% W/V 2 litre solution.

(a) FFTT
(b) FTFT
(c) TFFT
(d) FFTF

Option (a)

Match Column-I with Column-II.

Column - I

(Equimolar solution of different solutes)

Column - II

(Elevation in boiling point)

 (P) Sucrose naCl, BaCl2  (i) 1 : 1 : 1
 (Q) KCl, CaCl2, K2SO4  (ii) 3 : 2.5 : 2
 (R) Sucrose, glucose, Urea  (iii) 2 : 3 : 3
 (S) Na3PO4, K4[Fe(CN)6], C6H5NH3Cl   (iv) 1 : 2 : 3
 (v) 1 : 1 : 2
   (vi) 2 : 2.5 : 1

(a) (P) → (iv), (Q) → (iii), (R) → (i), (S) → (vi)
(b) (P) → (iv), (Q) → (v), (R) → (i), (S) → (ii)
(c) (P) → (vi), (Q) → (iii), (R) → (v), (S) → (ii)
(d) (P) → (v), (Q) → (ii), (R) → (iv), (S) → (vi)

Option (a)

What is the relation between elevations in boiling points T1 and T2 respectively for equimolal solutions of Ca(No3)2 and Al(No3)3 ?
(a) T1 = T2
(b) T2 >T1
(c) T2 < T1
(d) T2 = 2T1

Option (b)

Opening and closing of flower is controlled by _____ .
(a) osmosis
(b) capillary action
(c) diffusion
(d) hydrolysis

Option (a)

Showing 151 to 157 out of 157 Questions